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Table 2 Biomass and C stocks in northern Ethiopia

From: Carbon storages and sequestration potentials in remnant forests of different patch sizes in northern Ethiopia: an implication for climate change mitigation

Mean biomass and C stocks (ton ha−1)

Patch size categories




Aboveground biomass

5.45a ± 0.201

309.16b ± 59.59

371.76b ± 59.16

  1. The means with different superscript letters in a column are significantly different statistically [(Honestly Significance Difference test)], P < 0.05 (Appendix Table 12)
  2. The ANOVA table had been presented only for patch size and mean aboveground biomass. This is because belowground biomass, aboveground C, belowground C, AGCO2, belowground CO2, aboveground biomass and carbon stocks are dependent on aboveground biomass values.