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Table 2 Socio-economic characteristics of sample farmers

From: Small farmers’ preferences for weather index insurance: insights from Kenya


Full sample (n = 386)

Ever-insured (n = 152)

Non-insured (n = 234)

Male household head (%)

67.9 (46.8)

58.6 (49.4)

73.9*** (44.0)

Education of farmer (years)

8.2 (4.0)

8.2 (4.0)

8.2 (4.0)

Age of farmer (years)

52.1 (14.6)

53.7 (13.1)

51.1* (15.4)

Farming experience (years)

26.8 (16.2)

29.1 (15.7)

25.3** (16.4)

Household size (persons)

4.6 (1.9)

4.6 (2.0)

4.5 (1.9)

Farming as primary occupation (%)

92.0 (27.2)

94.7 (22.3)

90.2*** (29.8)

Off-farm secondary occupation (%)

33.4 (47.2)

29.0 (45.4)

36.3*** (48.1)

Farm size (acres)

2.1 (1.9)

2.4 (2.4)

1.9*** (1.5)

Land title (%)

66.4 (47.2)

74.7 (43.5)

61.0*** (48.8)

Share of farm income (%)

67.2 (32.7)

72.0 (31.1)

64.1** (33.4)

Total annual income (‘000 Ksh)

185.5 (370.3)

156.9 (214.3)

204.0 (442.6)

Share of land under maize (%)

46.1 (17.5)

49.5 (18.7)

43.9*** (16.3)

Received WII training in 2013 (%)

41.2 (49.3)

61.8 (48.7)

27.8*** (44.9)

WII trainings in 2013 (number of contacts)

2.3 (8.5)

3.5 (10.5)

1.6** (6.8)

Group membership (%)

88.1 (32.4)

90.8 (29.0)

86.3 (34.4)

Years in group

11.2 (12.8)

14.2 (13.4)

9.2*** (12.1)

Access to farming loan (%)

20.2 (40.2)

23.0 (42.2)

18.4 (38.8)

Farming loan received in 2013 (‘000 Ksh)

22.4 (60.0)

15.2 (23.0)

28.2 (78.1)

Satisfaction with WII (1 = very dissatisfied, 5 = very satisfied)

3.4 (0.5)

3.5 (0.6)

3.3*** (0.4)

Distance to weather stations (km)

43.6 (12.5)

44.8 (12.6)

42.8 (12.4)

Risk preference (1 = risk-averse, 5 = neutral, 10 = loving)

6.75 (2.87)

6.82 (2.90)

6.71 (2.86)

  1. Mean values are shown with standard deviations in parentheses
  2. ***, **, * indicate difference in means between sub-samples is statistically significant at 1, 5, and 10% level, respectively