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Table 6 Summary of challenges and opportunities of Mung bean production and marketing

From: Value chain analysis of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek thrive) in Kalu Woreda, Ethiopia




Input supply

Shortage of quality seed,

Farm implements and

Inconsistent input access

Higher demand of seed chemical and

Local material availability for organic compost preparation


Disease and pest attack

Good production condition (air)

Limited knowledge on recommended agronomic practice

Good policy environment for export crops

Lack of training for Mung bean production

Low labour required (less labour intensive production system)


Seasonal price (inconsistence)

Establishment of exporter via ECX

Transportation problem

Good support from government

Distance market

Higher demand of Mung bean by international market

Forgery scaling or weighting


Higher influence of brokers


Limited function of cooperative


Absence of market research



Lack of processing technologies

Emerging involvement of private sector in the food system industry

Limited awareness on Mung bean processing


Low income

Lack of awareness about Mung bean for nutritional values

Increase in nutrition knowledge of urban consumers

  1. Source: own summery, 2020