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Table 2 Definitions and indicators of food security and food sovereignty

From: Understanding the perceived indicators of food sovereignty and food security for rice growers and rural organizations in Mazandaran Province, Iran

Food Security

Food Sovereignty


Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences in order to lead a healthy and active life [36]


Food sovereignty is the right of people to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems [37]


1. Availability

• Import and export markets

• Financing and banking

• Investment in irrigation

• Road networks and port

• Soil fertility and water usage

• Annual rice production

• Knowledge and implementation of new practices (GMO, hybrid seeds)


• Food supply value chain for vulnerable majority

• Access to the updated information about rice production

• Increasing revenue for small-scale producers

• Access to the natural resources such as land and water

3. Utility

• Improving food security policies to improve food patterns and cultural patterns (Family-oriented farming and labor, Inheritance of land)

• Teaching the correct use of natural resources and adapting to climate change

• Improving consumption patterns through a variety of training programs

4. Quality

• Training new cultivation practices for rice seeds

• Mechanisms like quality control Lab for monitoring

• Accessing to the healthy and notorious food


1. Localizes food system

• Improving access to import markets

• Improving access to export markets

• Determining guaranteed purchase price

• Strengthening access for financial assistance

• Improving the import and export policies of rice crops

2. Builds Knowledge and skills

• Using proper technology in planting, preservation and harvesting

• Increasing human capital through training an expert force

• Organizing various local classes, such as development classes, etc

• Strengthening the proper use of indigenous and local knowledge

3. Puts control locally

• Ensuring that the voices of small-scale producers are heard by the authorities

• Promoting local governance and decentralization in rural management programs

• Adopting appropriate rules to reduce conflicts on land

• Integrating land under rice growth

4. Values for food providers

• Improving gender equality through empowerment of rural women as a basic work force (rice growers)

• Increasing Flexibility in Vulnerable population through increasing awareness

• Empowering small-scale producers to participate in the policymaking

5. Right to food

• Policies to support food production (pricing policies)

 Food satisfaction needs and cultural preferences

6. Works with nature

• Strengthening the access of rice growers to water resources through optimal management

• Managing and conserving resources, especially water resources, for sustainable livelihoods