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Table 4 Overview of parameters

From: Climate change scenarios in Zambia: modeling farmers’ adaptation






Labor input for cultivation \(i\) in month \(s\) per hectare



Yield of cultivation \(i\) in period \(t\) per hectare



Availability of on-farm labor days per adult per month



Availability of farm land for crop production



Share of available off-farm work to the total number of adults



Ratio of rotted crop \(n\)



Fix costs of cultivation \(i\)



Variable costs of cultivation \(i\) per hectare



Kilocalorie of crop \(n\) per kg



Children per household



Kilocalorie requirement per household member per year


\(kg \; of \; crop \; n/total \; consumption\)

Habit to eat crop \(n\)



Minimum budget needs per household per year



Retail price of crop \(n\) per kg



Purchase price of crop \(n\) per kg



Off-farm wage per month



Number of adults