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Table 2 Indicator adequacy criteria.

From: Deconstructing leisure time and workload: case of women bean producers in Kenya


Adequacy criteria


An individual is considered adequate/ empowered if

Input in production decisions

(S)he participates (or feels they can give Input) in at least two types of production decisions

Autonomy in production decisions

Their actions with regard to agricultural production are motivated by their values rather than by fear of disapproval or coercion

Ownership of assets

They own (solely or jointly with others) at least one major asset or two minor assets

Purchase/sale/transfer of assets

They have at least one type of right to buy, sell, or transfer assets within the household

Access to and decisions on credit

They have access to credit and can make at least one decision regarding borrowing or use of credit

Control over the use of income

One has Input on decisions regarding the use of income that (s)he participated in earning, provided such Input is not on minor household purchases

Group member

They have active membership in at least one social or economic group


They did not work for more than 10.5 h in the previous 24 h


They do not express any level of dissatisfaction with their available time for leisure activities, i.e., scored ≥ 5 on a scale of 1–10

  1. This excludes minor assets like chicken, non-mechanized farm equipment, and small consumer durables