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Table 1 Summary of resources and farming activity of households (median and IQR)

From: Food security in rural Burkina Faso: the importance of consumption of own-farm sourced food versus purchased food


Yatenga (n = 200)

Seno (n = 200)


Household inhabitants (adult equivalents)

10.4 (5.4)

6.8 (5.3)


Land area (ha)

5.0 (4.1)

3.5 (3.0)


Livestock holdings (TLUs)a

5.20 (4.8)

5.1 (9.0)


Off-farm income (USD year−1)b

83.25 (451.62)

74.92 (416.24)


Crop gross income (USD year−1)b

354.56 (637.55)

0.00 (8.11)


Live animal net income (USD year−1)b

12.49 (97.90)

60.84 (248.72)


Animal product net income (USD year−1)b

0 (0)

0 (0)


Relative female control (% income year−1)

0 (2)

0 (0)


Progress out of Poverty Index score

38 (14)

31 (16)


Number of crop species

5 (2)

3 (2)


Crop production diversity score

2 (1)

2 (0)


Sorghum yield (kg ha−1)

225.0 (338.0)

250.0 (250.0)


Millet yield (kg ha−1)

184.0 (350.0)

217.0 (350.0)


Maize yield (kg ha−1)

650 (985.0)

720.0 (725.0)


Crop market participation (% of total calories produced year−1)

41 (26)

0 (1)


Energy adequacy (crop and livestock consumed—kcal adult equivalent−1)

1.00 (1.1)

0.8 (0.7)


Number of livestock species

4 (2)

4 (2)


Livestock production diversity score

1 (0)

2 (1)


Livestock market participation (% of protein produced year−1)

0 (0)

0 (3)


Protein adequacy (livestock protein adult equivalent−1 adequacy ratio)

0.02 (0.02)

0.15 (0.27)


  1. NS CI crosses zero or model does not converge
  2. *CI does not cross zero. Provinces have differing central tendencies
  3. aOxen = 1.42, cows = 1, camel = 1.1, horse = 0.9, donkey = 0.8, pigs = 0.3, sheep and goats = 0.2, chickens = 0.04
  4. b1 CFA = 0.001665 USD