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Table 3 Socio-economic analysis of the main non-climatic predictors of crop yields in Uganda

From: The determinants of crop yields in Uganda: what is the role of climatic and non-climatic factors?


Forest area

Wood fuel



About 36 million people local and national population, foreign companies

70–80% of the local population

More than 4000 in 2014


The eastern shoulders of the rift valley, northern shores of Lake Victoria, isolated montane forests in the north and east

Forest zones of the south-west, east of Uganda and patches in the north and north-east

All over the country


Wood fuel, pulp, timber, lumber

Firewood, charcoal, wood pellets and wood ash, bricks and tiles

Used to: harvest, plant, till the soil and transport crops


Small scale, large scale, manual and mechanized

Large and small scale, manual, mechanized

By foreign companies


Internally, East African region, internationally

Locally and nationally

All over the country