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Table 5 Bivariate analysis of the relationship between socio-economic and demographic characteristics of respondents and household food security

From: Prevalence of household food insecurity in wetland adjacent areas of Uganda


Food security categories

Kruskal–Wallis H test

Secure (N = 34)

Moderately insecure (N = 59)

Highly insecure (N = 162)

Totally insecure (N = 265)

Mean rank (M)

Mean rank (M)

Mean rank (M)

Mean rank (M)

P value1,2

Period of residence (years)*

29.536 (17.165)

35.755 (22.199)

29.795 (18.529)

28.814 (18.974)


Age of household head*

47.941 (11.092)

48.915 (16.367)

45.951 (13.765)

45.928 (14.675)


Proximity to wetland (km)

240.941 (1)

272.508 (1)

264.201 (1)

258.074 (1)


Proximity to market (km)

249.059 (3)

197.873 (2)a

306.843 (4)ab

247.583 (3)b


Household land size (acres)

305.75 (1.8225)

300.788 (1.62)c

239.173 (0.81)c

258.762 (1.215)


Number of adults (> 18 years)

190.897 (2)de

310.059 (4)df

221.265 (2)fg

282.381 (3)e.g.


Household size

302.779 (8)

262.754 (7)

280.327 (8)

242.451 (6)


Education level of HH (years)

347.161 (7)hi

328.924 (7)jk

235.046 (5)hj

249.708 (5)ik



331.059 (1.265)lm

299.822 (0.86)n

243.914 (0.415)ln

252.832 (0.53)m


  1. Similar alphabetical letter superscripts indicate statistically significant differences in post hoc test
  2. M median, HH household head
  3. *Mean (SD)
  4. P value1,2, 1one-way ANOVA, 2Welch ANOVA
  5. aSignificantly different between moderately food insecure and highly food insecure, b significantly different between highly food insecure and totally food insecure; c significantly different between moderately food insecure and highly food insecure, d significantly different between food secure and moderately food insecure, e significantly different between food secure and totally food insecure, f significantly different between moderately food insecure and highly food insecure, g significantly different between highly food insecure and totally food insecure, h significantly different between food secure and highly food insecure, i significantly different between food secure and totally food insecure, j significantly different between moderately food insecure and highly food insecure, k significantly different between moderately food insecure and totally food insecure, l significantly different between food secure and highly food insecure, m significantly different between food secure and totally food insecure, n significantly different between moderately food insecure and highly food insecure, s distributions not similar for food security categories (other distributions are similar), ns post hoc test not statistically significantly different