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Table 2 Intervention areas in traditional fish processing and national development

From: Small-scale fisheries in the context of traditional post-harvest practice and the quest for food and nutritional security in Nigeria


Basic determinant

Underlying determinant

Immediate determinant

Issues to address

Rustic technology and safety

Per capital fish consumption


Hidden hunger (micronutrient deficiency)


Inculcate tastes for fish/seafood especially processed forms

Improving on the chain management of traditionally processed fish to enhance household access

Increasing household income

Increasing micronutrient intake by promotion of traditionally processed seafood and artisanal fisheries


Modernization, adoption, and promotion of traditional fish processing technology by government agencies, viz. Federal Department of Fisheries, Energy Commission of Nigeria, Federal Department of Forestry, Ministry of Science of Tech

Mass communication: National Committee on Food and Nutrition, National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, Academic and Research Institution

Engaging traditional fish processor towards adoption more efficient and effective technology

Granting repayable credit facilities guaranteed by the processors’ cooperative and thrift societies for purpose of securing modern and improved local facilities

Improving the quantity of smoked and sun-dried fish sourced from the cultured sources (marine and inland water)

Utilizing smoked and sun-dried fish as complementary food to improve nutritional status of children

Encouraging consumption of smoked and sun-dried prawns, shrimps especially by children and women at household levels

Improving diet of children to providing fish as a school lunch

Expected effects

Decrease in fish loss

Increased production by fish processors

Safer and increased consumption of sun-dried and smoked fish products

Reduction in incidence of hidden hunger


Better regulated traditional fish processing sector

Increased prosperous individuals

More virile and healthier citizens

Reduced cases on nutrition related diseases such as obesity