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Table 1 Measures of household food security

From: Household food security in the agropastoral communities of rural southern Kyrgyzstan







Sample question

Seminal author(s)

Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS)


24 h

This food security indicator is a quick snapshot of a household’s quality of diet. It allows for precise dietary nutrient composition and involves a short recall period

High internal validity; provides detailed breakdown of food types consumed

Short time period is only a snapshot; sensitive to seasonal and market variation

Now I would like to ask you about the types of foods that you or anyone else in your household ate yesterday during the day and night

• Any eggs?


Food Consumption Score (FCS)


7 days

Food consumption score is a consumptive indicator of food security that extends the HDDS into a longer temporal period. It allows for consumptive thresholds and micronutrient dietary contributions to be examined

Experiential indicator; easy to launch in the field

Reliability risk with precise food groups; limited timescale

How many days for the last 7 days did your family consume these food items?

• Any fruits?


Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS)


30 days

This is a social indicator of food insecurity that is easily broken down into 3 categories. It captures activities and anxiety for when food is low

Examines acute food insecurity; experiential; able to be closely examined in categories

Limited scope; cultural relevance

During the past 30 days, have there been times when your family had to do the following in order to get money or food?

• Decrease expenditures for healthcare


Reduced Coping Strategy Index (rCSI)


7 days

This is a quickly deployed and elegantly simplistic experiential indicator of food insecurity when households are strained

Experiential indicator; broad assessment of household status

Pride causing limited internal validity; inexact counting of strategies with no severity variation within a given selection

In the past week, if food was low, how often did you use the following options:

• Rely on less preferred and less expensive food


Household Hunger Scale (HHS)


30 days

This is a simple indicator of acute food insecurity. It allows for an examination of households in what can be considered dire positions

Captures degrees of severity

Not sensitive to chronic aspects; pride causing internal validity problems

In the last 30 days, did you or any household member go to sleep at night hungry because there was not enough food?

• How often did this happen in the last 30 days?


Percent Expenditure (Food_Exp)


Typical month

This is a simple measure of how much a household spends on food in proportion to their income. It has theoretical and applied importance. As this number grows, it indicates more economic distress in ensuring food security

Easily interpreted; telling indicator of market forces

Survey error with participant recall; sensitive to seasonal and economic variations; food produced by the household not included

1. In the last 12 months, how much income did your household make?

2. In a typical month, how much of your income is spent on the following items?

• Food

[56, 57]

  1. Table adapted from Headey and Ecker [31] and Maxwell et al. [6]